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Thought Leadership



Care Pathways

Five Ways eConsults Support Value-Based Care

Five Ways eConsults Support Value-Based Care

About 70% of eConsults can address what physicians would typically send forward for a face-to-face specialty visit. As a web-based physician-to-physician consultation, there is no need for any particular technology or integration.

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Support for Comprehensive Care for Rheumatology

Support for Comprehensive Care for Rheumatology

With long specialist wait times, providers across the country are turning to eConsults to offer comprehensive care for rheumatology. They often help patients manage chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis…

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Evaluate Practice Performance: Clinical Quality

Evaluate Practice Performance: Clinical Quality

Multiple studies have shown that improved access to specialty advice and preventative care decreases the incidence of disease and patient mortality, resulting in improved clinical quality. By addressing health problems before they require emergency intervention, both patients and the health system save money and see better outcomes.

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Evaluate Practice Performance: Patient Access

Evaluate Practice Performance: Patient Access

To increase patient access to specialty care, consider which specialties that have long appointment wait times, higher costs, conditions easily manage by the PCP, or do not require a face-to-face specialist visit.

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Evaluate Practice Performance: Provider Adoption

Evaluate Practice Performance: Provider Adoption

Practice performance metrics are in focus whenever a new tool is introduced to improve patient care. In this series, we’ll focus on practice success and patient care when adopting or maintaining an eConsult program. Many of these strategies apply to increasing the adoption of any new technology or program.

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