eConsults provide quality patient care without a specialty referral. In this sample case, see advice about Dermatology.
Review an online doctor consultation for Pulmonology. An online doctor consultation is designed to remove healthcare barriers that make referrals complex and challenging for PCPs and patients.
eConsult Webinar: Stop the Wait, Provide the Care
eConsult webinar: More and more organizations are moving to value-based care payment models. We expect this trend to continue as The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid roll out new initiatives to improve patient outcomes while managing costs. In this webinar, Pam Gould, Chief Growth Officer at AristaMD, discusses 5 ways eConsult support value-based care.
Join Our Specialist Panel for eConsults
AristaMD is your partner to increase star ratings, access to timely care, improved care coordination, and reduction in avoidable hospitalizations and ED visits are tangible benefits of eConsults.
How do eConsults Support Risk-based Payment Models?
Cindy Craddock, RN discusses how eConsults support risk-based payment models with specialist advice and treatment plans in the PCP setting
Healthcare Technology: Optimizing Care Delivery and Transition
An impressive amount of innovation occurred over the last 18 months to enable patients to get care in the midst of hospital-wide shutdowns and clinic restrictions that limited access to in-person care.
Virtual Online Consultations Can Reinvent Healthcare
Dr. Shantanu Nundy, author of Care After Covid, discusses how virtual online consultations, or eConsults, can reinvent healthcare.
6 Ways Virtual Consultations Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 for Providers
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of virtual consultation to help keep patients out…
AristaMD Provides eConsults Using Virtual Consultation Doctors During the COVID-19 Pandemic
eConsults during COVID-19 relieve the pressure and risk on health care systems and PCPs by providing a HIPAA-compliant digital platform…