eConsults drive practice cost savings for your practices by replacing referrals, eliminating unnecessary testing, reducing emergency room visits and avoiding hospital readmissions. An eConsult that avoids a specialty referral results in 3 avoided specialty visits, which is the average number of appointments needed to diagnose and treat a patient. Each specialty visit costs approximately $300. The avoided visit savings to an at-risk practice is $900.
Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring Clinical Quality
Multiple studies have shown that improved access to specialty advice and preventative care decreases the incidence of disease and patient mortality, resulting in improved clinical quality. By addressing health problems before they require emergency intervention, both patients and the health system save money and see better outcomes.
Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring eConsult Patient Benefits
eConsults patient benefits include cost savings, less travel, reduced time off work, faster diagnosis and treatment, and improved outcomes.
Specialist eConsults Enable Faster Diagnosis and Treatment
Specialist eConsults allow providers to offer faster treatment, avoid contraindications, and reduce the burden of care for patients.
Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring Patient Access to Specialty Care
To increase patient access to specialty care, consider which specialties that have long appointment wait times, higher costs, conditions easily manage by the PCP, or do not require a face-to-face specialist visit.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Practice Performance & Cost Savings
eConsults deliver practice performance improvements and cost savings by replacing referrals, reducing unnecessary testing, limiting emergency visits, avoiding hospital readmissions and offering medication management.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Support Patient Compliance & Care Continuity
eConsults support patient compliance and care continuity by allowing the patient’s trusted PCP to develop and communicate the care plan. Compliance and continuity are reduced when patients fail to make an appointment or attend the specialist appointment. Only 51% of referrals are scheduled and attended within 90 days.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Improve Patient Outcomes
eConsults improve patient outcomes by enabling the PCP to offer a diagnosis and treatment plan an average of 19 days sooner than a referral. The majority of eConsults responses are sent back to the PCP between 4-6. AristaMD clients report a 30% reduction in ED visits, hospitalizations and readmissions after eConsult implementation.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Help Manage Social Determinants of Health
Identifying health inequities, which are often driven by Social Determinants of Health, can help the practice manage risk and reduce the burden of care for your patients. Increase access for patients who face challenges associated with genetics, environmental factors, health coverage and individual behavior.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Reduce Indirect Costs Associated with Lower Availability of Specialty Care
Copays aren’t the only cost to the patient that can impact access to specialty care. Will the patient need additional time off work, childcare, or travel a great distance to see a specialist? eConsults can minimize these costs as well.