eConsults deliver practice performance improvements and cost savings by replacing referrals, reducing unnecessary testing, limiting emergency visits, avoiding hospital readmissions and offering medication management.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Reduce Indirect Costs Associated with Lower Availability of Specialty Care
Copays aren’t the only cost to the patient that can impact access to specialty care. Will the patient need additional time off work, childcare, or travel a great distance to see a specialist? eConsults can minimize these costs as well.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsults Deliver Patient Cost Savings
Visiting a specialist is expensive. And not visiting the specialist can be catastrophic for the patient. eConsults deliver patient cost savings. The patient saves at least $120 per avoided referral. $40 per visit over the 3 visits typically needed to receive a diagnosis and treatment.
Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: Identifying Conditions Easily Managed in the Primary Care Setting
If it’s not urgent, procedural or diagnostic, it likely can be managed in the primary care setting using an eConsult. eConsult specialists also support patients with chronic conditions and abnormal labs and imaging. Finally, patients with comorbidities are often good candidates for eConsults.
Targeting Healthcare Cost Savings? Focus on High-Value eConsults
At-risk practices that focus on high-value eConsults see the greatest benefits from their eConsult programs — healthcare cost savings and improved patient outcomes. These practices identify patients at high risk of serious health events, such as emergency department visits or inpatient hospitalizations, and prevent them.
eConsults Assist with Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis & Medication Management
Accessing specialists who can help accurately diagnose and provide medication management for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be challenging, particularly for individuals living in rural or underserved areas. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction and behavior.
Review an online doctor consultation for Pulmonology. An online doctor consultation is designed to remove healthcare barriers that make referrals complex and challenging for PCPs and patients.
What Do Providers Need to Succeed in Value-based Payment Models? Patient Engagement Solutions
What do providers need to succeed in value-based payment models? Successful value-based care requires patient engagement solutions that reduce time and effort for you and improve patient participation.
What do Providers Need to Succeed in Value-based Payment Models? Care Coordination Tools
What do providers need to succeed in value-based payment models? One way to achieve successful value-based and coordinated care is through the use of referral management tools and eConsults.
Is Accessing Specialty Healthcare in the US Difficult?
How does a referral management solution help break the barrier between patients and facilitate specialty healthcare?