Meet Eric Urquiza

Meet Eric Urquiza, Chief Client Officer, AristaMD

Meet Eric Urquiza, Chief Client Officer, AristaMD

Eric Urquiza has over 20 years of experience driving transformational healthcare IT programs that elevate patient care and enhance outcomes through innovative technological solutions. His extensive experience includes successfully leading strategic client relationships and fostering increased provider adoption of telehealth solutions. This has resulted in a tangible impact, particularly in improving efficacy for underserved and vulnerable populations on a national scale.

Prior to joining AristaMD, Eric played key leadership roles at AccessHope, a wholly-owned subsidiary of City of Hope, where he spearheaded the implementation and client services strategy for an oncology telehealth startup. His experience also extends to leadership roles in client and project management teams at Oracle Cerner and Omnicell, Inc.

Eric holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Redlands. Residing in Southern California with his wife and two college-studying children, he remains dedicated to driving positive change in healthcare through innovative solutions and strategic leadership.

2023 Virtual Conference: Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care

eConsults are proven to reduce specialty care costs for patients, providers and payers. eConsults also support value-based care in tangible and practical ways by:
  • Creating a path to faster diagnosis and treatment
  • Improving or eliminating wait times for specialists’ visits
  • Increasing access to sub-specialties
  • Minimizing worsened health outcomes resulting from delayed patient care
How can an organization measure better, more efficient and more effective care? In this session, Eric Urquiza, Sr. Vice President of Operations & Client Experience at AristaMD, showcases best practices for measuring the impact of eConsults on practice success and patient care.
Healthcare Business News - Four ways the health care industry can manage cost in 2023

Four ways the healthcare industry can manage cost in 2023

By: Eric Urquiza

The US spends more on health care as a share of the economy than any other country. In fact, 2021 saw a total spend of $4.3 trillion alone. But in response to the current economic downturn, hospitals and other care organizations aim to reduce costs without sacrificing patient outcomes. Addressing unnecessary healthcare spending is crucial to the shift to value-based care, yet significant industry changes must occur to achieve these goals. If cost reduction goals remain unmet, equity in health care is harder to achieve, and individual financial security is threatened.

Here are four ways healthcare organizations can better manage costs in 2023:

1. Increase access to preventative treatment

Think of preventative care as the first step to overall health and wellness. Early intervention helps patients avoid chronic conditions and manages these conditions when they emerge. Prevention and disease management decreases the likelihood of complications for patients down the road. Once prevention is no longer possible or manageable conditions worsen and reach a crisis point, emergency department (ED) visits increase. Uncontrolled chronic conditions and elevated ED usage drive up costs for patients, health plans, and accountable care organizations (ACOs), mainly because hospital care makes up nearly one-third of health care spending in the United States. Scalable digital health tools increase access to preventative care, which has been definitively linked to improved patient outcomes.