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Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring Practice Cost Savings

Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring Practice Cost Savings

eConsults drive practice cost savings for your practices by replacing referrals, eliminating unnecessary testing, reducing emergency room visits and avoiding hospital readmissions. An eConsult that avoids a specialty referral results in 3 avoided specialty visits, which is the average number of appointments needed to diagnose and treat a patient. Each specialty visit costs approximately $300. The avoided visit savings to an at-risk practice is $900.

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Improving Patient Outcomes: How Specialists will Contribute to Value-Based Care

Improving Patient Outcomes: How Specialists will Contribute to Value-Based Care

In healthcare, the shift towards value-based care is reshaping how providers deliver and patients receive medical services. At the heart of this transformation are specialists. This approach is not just a change in the reimbursement model; it’s a fundamental reimagining of how we define and achieve success in healthcare. Specialists will play a critical role in the realm of value-based care.

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